donderdag, december 24, 2009

Welkom Eveline ...

Gisteren is na 2 maanden na haar geboorte Eveline naar huis gekomen, we zijn dan ook in de wolken dat deze kleine meid eindelijk eens in onze armen mag rusten.
Doordat ze geboren werd als prematuur mochten we ze nog niet vasthouden in het ziekenhuis (als grootouders is dat meestal wel iets waarna je naar uitkijkt!).
Bij haar thuiskomst heeft ze ook nog even gedag kunnen zeggen tegen haar overgrootmoeder die zaterdag laatstleden overleden is. We wensen onze dochter Tina met haar vriend Geert veel plezier en mooie jaren samen met hun mooi dochtertje en we hopen zelf natuurlijk ook nog veel plezier met haar te kunnen beleven.

Welkom thuis Eveline!


zondag, december 20, 2009

Goeienacht mama ...

Meyers Maria

Goeienacht mama, In tranen zitten we allen samen voor het verlies van onze liefste mama. Je bent vredig ingeslapen en dit zal voor ons een troost zijn, maar de leegte die je achterlaat zal nog lang naslepen.

In tears we all sit together for the loss of our beloved mother, nothing can replace the gap you leave behind and the love we will miss now that you're not around anymore. Goodnight mother, sleep well and we'll see you in due time on the other side of the rainbow.

En larmes nous tous nous asseyons ensemble pour la perte de notre mère aimée, rien ne peut remplacer l'espace que vous laissez et l'amour nous manquerons maintenant que vous pas autour plus. Bonne nuit mama, dorment bien et nous vous voient en temps voulu de l'autre côté de l'arc-en-ciel.

Goeienacht mama, doe de groeten aan Louis en Rita als je boven bent, tot ziens aan de andere kant van de regenboog. Je sloeber Luc.

zondag, november 15, 2009

Euro Dog Show Kortrijk 2009

Yesterday we attended the dog show in Kortrijk with Qannik, Ice and Vienna. As always we had a great time talking to other people competing for the best dog, good to see that we can get along together. ;)

As for the results, Qannik made a nice 2nd place with ZG/VG, Ice made his entry for the first time with us (he had been in the ring only once before) and we are very proud on how he reacted and let the judge check him out! despite that ... he ended up at the 4th place ZG/VG but we are still very glad he joined in the pack here ... he has adjusted real good with the rest of the dogs and seeing him doing well in the ring gives us hope for the future.

Vienna who has been handled by Antal Gabor won her first place in the section youth bitches (1st U/Ex) making here best female youth husky at the show! I'd like to thank Ron (Kennel of Nikolatsjka)and Dana (kennel Silverlight) for grooming Vienna and Gabor for his excellent handling!!! We hope to see here doing that well at the dog show in Brussels next month. ;) Teamwork is a nice thing. ;)

We'd like to congratulate Dana of the kennel Silverlight also with the results she made, with here male dog Dream Maker Of Silverlight who made BOB (1st Excl/U champion class), and here female dog Best Forever Of Silverlight who made best female (1st Ex/U intermediary class).

And last but not least we'd like to thank the judge Mrs. Vics Beverly (US) for doing a great judging on the dogs.

PS the picture from Vienna is a bit blurred ... when I get a nice and descent picture from someone that has been taking pictures from the side I'll update that one. ;)

zondag, oktober 25, 2009

Siberian husky's playing ...

We are glad to see the dogs getting allong so well at the moment, since the integration of the latest one Ice it was a thrill to see how they got to know eachother and in the event learned how to ... ;)
Now it all seems so natural.

Qannik of Nikolatsjka

Galinka d'Abajomy

Vienna of Nikolatsjka

Harticice de Perle Siberiens

zaterdag, oktober 17, 2009

Another new kid on the block ...

Today our oldest daughter gave birth to a beautiful young girl "Eveline", although she was born to early we are very proud of our daughter and her friend for bringing this beautiful young live into the world and are hoping she will have a full and happy live! Congrats Tina and Geert!

Vandaag is onze oudste dochter bevallen van een mooie jonge dochter "Eveline", ondanks dat ze te vroeg gekomen is zijn we zeer trots op onze dochter en haar vriend voor het op de wereld zetten van dit jong leven en hopen dat ze een lang en gelukkig leven mag hebben. Gefeliciteerd Tina en Geert!

Aujourd'hui notre fille plus âgée a donné naissance à un beau jeune fille "Eveline", bien qu'elle ait été née tôt nous sommes très fiers de notre fille et son ami pour apporter ce beau jeune vivent au monde et sont espérant elle aura un plein et heureux vivez ! Congrats Tina et Geert !

Update ... both are doing fine (picture from last thursday.

maandag, oktober 12, 2009

New kid on the block ...

Yesterday we drove down to Sivry (B) to pick up the new kid on the block, his full name is Harticice des Perles-Siberienne in short "Ice".
After a day he has been adjusting pretty fine with the other dogs, no collisions so far ;) We hope he'll have a great live with us and the other dogs.

Merci Gabrielle pour ta confiance, nous espérer q'Ice avez un beaux vie ici avec les autres chiens.
Et remercie pour le bon accueil!

donderdag, september 17, 2009

Zutphen 2009

We are very glad to inform you that Vienna made 1Excl. JCAC, CAC and best female at the show in Zutphen last weekend!
Thanks Anja for showing here in the ring and also Jurgen for handling here when Anja was together with Mexx in the ring (he made best male, JCAC, CAC and BOB)! Congrats to Hub for Mexx also!
At this early stage it's very nice to see she is getting into shape and being appreciated by the judge. On to the next one!

zaterdag, september 12, 2009

First picture of Qannik and Galinka on the step ...

Update: added a small movie of a trip in the forrest.

Here is it then, the first picture of them both doing a small round around the block, first steps so we still are letting the dogs get used to pulling.
They enjoy every bit of it ;)

zondag, september 06, 2009

Eerste tocht met de nieuwe step ...

Gisteren zijn we de nieuwe step kunnen gaan ophalen die we via de kennel Narmenak (zie links aan de rechter kant) hadden gekocht en deze is vanmorgen de eerste maal uitgetest.

Qannik en Galinka hadden iets van "dat apparaat hebben we nog al eens gezien" en hadden er gelijk zin in. ;)

De step eerst buiten geplaatst en daarna de honden de riem en het harnas even aangedaan. Na een kleine pitstop werden beiden voor de step geplaatst en de lijn aan het harnas vastgeklikt. Toen kon de korte tocht beginnen (eerst in het begin laten wennen aan het trekken voor de step). Ze reageerden al heel goed op de commando's haw en gee bij het aankomen van kruisingen, zelfs straight viel nog goed mee totdat we langs een huis kwamen waar een kleine roedel hondjes zaten die druk in de weer waren om het die van ons wat moeilijker te maken (moeten we in de volgende rondjes even vermijden). Daar er nog niemand voor hun liep welke ze voorbij wilden rennen viel het tempo in het begin ook nog goed mee, we willen ze ook niet op korte tijd op zien branden omdat we teveel van ze gaan verwachten.

We hebben al enkele goede tips meegekregen van Frank en Tineke toen we de workshop bij hen gevolgd hadden, alsook nog even van Frank toen we de step gingen ophalen.

Het begin was alvast belovend .... nu nog een routine opstellen voor een trainingsschema ... wordt vervolgd. ;)

woensdag, juli 08, 2009

Dog Show Echt ...

Another one passed. And we are very proud on the results of our beautiful Galinka and how she has been turning around in the past months.
Qannik made a very nice 2nd place in the open class ans so did Galinka! both with Excellent result. ;) Vienna is still learning but we are confident that she will do great when she grows older! ;)

After the show when the weather dimmed a bit down they all deserved a nice play in the yard and in the watter.

Galinka hiding (not very well though) :D

Benji as always keeping an eye on things ...

Qannik cooling of his feet ...

Yalko after a cool refreshment ...

And Jessie trying to avoid the others :P

dinsdag, juni 16, 2009

Lommel 2009

It has been a little quit with the show we were running in the last months. Having Vienna new to the pack was our first concern and socializing the new puppy with the dogs here and outside was one thing we wanted to do.
But last Sunday we attended the show in Lommel and went in with Qannik and Vienna of Nikolatsjka (Vienna's first time in puppy class), and Galinka d'Abajomy.
Qannik made a well deserved (although I just as gladly would have seen in the first place) ;) 2'nd Excl. (U) in the open class, Galinka in her turn made 6'nd VG (ZG). Vienna made 3'd VP (VB) and is a promising dog for the future.
On to the next one! (Genk ... here we come) ;)

PS. Congrats Anja & Ron (Nikolatsjka) with Moony (Love me sweet of Silverlight) on getting here Belgian Champion title (she already was International Champion and now she can add this one to here list)!

Also congrats to Nancy with Dysco (Tundrafoot's Bern Baby Bern) who made BOB and ended up 4th BIS!

dinsdag, mei 26, 2009

Educating ...

I've been doing a course as Network Administrator since a few months (hence the lack of time in porting games lately) and am glad to announce that I passed my Linux exams and my first CCNA1 exams!! On to the next ones!! (comming up are CCNA2 and Windows 2003 server, consumer routers, command line, scripting and much more - and this over a total period of time 7 months!) ;)

woensdag, mei 13, 2009

Our dogs

Just some quick shots from last weekend. ;)

zondag, april 26, 2009

Ambiorix cup Genk

Yesterday we attended the dog show in Genk with our 3 dogs, Qannik, Galinka and Vienna.
For Vienna it was here first debut and she did a real good job too! ;)

Qannik entered in the ring and finished 4th VG, Galinka made 3 Exc and Vienna made 3 VP (out of 5 pups). All in all not to bad results ;)

Vienna was very focused when she entered the ring and gave the best she had to give, playful waggling here tail and giving kisses to everyone who comes in short distance of here head ;).

Qannik is still my king and has grown out to be a very beautifull male.

Galinka is really getting into it and showing better then ever at the moment, we are really happy about the way she progressed in the last months.

Sarah also entered with Vienna in Junior-handling and finished 5th! Congrats to both. ;)


We'd like to congratulate Nancy with here dog Tundrafoot's Bern Baby Bern, she made BOB and finished 1st in BIG! A great dog. :D

vrijdag, april 10, 2009

Show Antwerps ...

Last sunday we attended the show in Antwerps with Qannik.

He finished 2nd Exc. just after Ambassador ... (congrats there) ;)

I also want to thank my wife Lisette for handling Qannik, she did a real good job!

Sarah joined us and did junior handling with Gimbya and is still learning the art of handling, she's doing a nice job and even went into the ring with Vienna to get here familiar with the ring and running.

Onward to Genk where we'll be showing Qannik, Galinka and for the first time Vienna! :-D

zaterdag, april 04, 2009

Update ... ;)

Vienna has been settling just fine with us over the last weeks, she is doing great with Qannik and Galinka as well as with Yalko, Benji and Jessy. In house she likes to fool around with Galinka and outside it's mostly Jessy or Benji who have to suffer here (sometimes overwhelming) games. ;-)

Here favorite job is still digging in the earth ... making here way to China it seems at times. :D

Then again ... she learned from the master. ;)

Big paw from Qannik and Galinka also. ;)

dinsdag, februari 17, 2009

Vienna is home! ;)

Vienna is home!!! ;) First thing to do was to inspect the new place with the visitor that came along with me to my new place.

On arival she's had a line already on here tail.

hmm ... is this also a dog??

Inspection!!! .... who is crossing my paths here?!! ;)

Ah! ... visitors on my first day. Cool runnings!! ;)

Ok ... time to do some calm inspections on the place ... the others seem to be busy ...

More to come ... for now she's having a well deserved rest.